Whenever someone finds themselves struggling to work due to an injury or medical condition they are often unsure where to look for help.
The Social Security Disability and SSI programs create a safety net for those who find themselves unable to work or earn a living for medical reasons. The Social Security Administration runs two separate disability programs side by side. The SSDI program and the SSI program. In order to be eligible for either program one must be medically disabled. Both programs have additional financial or requirements.
The disability process starts with the disability application. A new claimant can file a claim for SSDI, SSI or a concurrent claim for both programs. Most attorneys recommend a new applicant file a “concurrent claim” for both the SSDI and SSI programs. A concurrent claim will cover all potential bases insuring the claimant will receive all benefits they are potentially entitled too. Claimants can apply online, over the phone, or with an old -fashioned paper application.
In order to make a disability determination the Social Security Administration will make determinations on both the medical and the appropriate financial or work requirements. The financial and/or work requirements can be thought of as a prerequisite to the medical, determination. In order to win a claim for SSDI or SSI all medical, financial and work requirements must be met.
For more information on medical, financial, or work requirements please give me a call at 419-740-8615. I am more than happy to talk to anyone concerning the disability process and its requirements.